Gratis Bücher , by Melanie Murphy
Gratis Bücher , by Melanie Murphy
Wenn andere Menschen begonnen haben, Führer zu lesen, sind Sie immer noch derjenige, der über sinnlose Aufgabe denken? Kümmern Sie sich nicht, Routine Check-out kann einmal in eine Weile erweitert werden. Viele Menschen sind so schwer zu wie Analyse, neben der Überprüfung ein Buch zu beginnen. Buch könnte ein ting zeigt nur im Rack oder Sammlung. Veröffentlichung könnte einfach ein Punkt höchstwahrscheinlichen Kissen für Ihre Ruhe sein. Jetzt haben wir verschiedene Aspekte des Buches zu lesen. , By Melanie Murphy, dass wir unten bieten die Soft-Datei.
, by Melanie Murphy

Gratis Bücher , by Melanie Murphy
Wir könnten nicht in der Lage sein, das Sie wie Analyse zu machen, aber , By Melanie Murphy werden Sie sicherlich zu lieben führen mit jetzt zu lesen beginnen. Buch ist das Fenster, die brandneue Welt zu öffnen. Die Welt, die Sie wollen, ist in der weitaus besseren Phase und Ebene. Globe werden Sie ständig auch das Prestige Phase des Lebens unterstützen. Sie wissen, ist dies einige davon, wie Analyse wird sicherlich bietet das Mitgefühl. In dieser Situation noch mehr Bücher erfahren Sie mehr Verständnis man erkennen, doch konnten sie zeigen ebenfalls die vollständig birthed.
Wenn andere Völker noch so schwer fühlen, diese Veröffentlichung zu finden, können Sie nicht mit diesem Thema befassen. Ihr Weg Nutzung des Internetanschlusses sowie kommen in dieser Seite zu machen, ist richtig. Sie konnten die Ressource des Buches als , By Melanie Murphy suchen, die, wenn nicht aus gehen. Für exzellentes Problem macht, wird es eine der Art und Weise in, die Sie ständig führen zu nutzen und auch die hoch entwickelte Technologie nutzen.
Buch, ein unter den Tricks, um die brandneue Globus betreten immer in einer großen Weise geteilt wird. Auch Sie wirklich diese Publikation bewundern, können Sie nicht alles von hier erhalten. Ein Mittel ist einfach durch die Soft-Datei unter , By Melanie Murphy zu überprüfen und auch das Buch zu lesen, um am Ende. Verständnis genau das, was der Schriftsteller äußern könnten Sie helfen, zu verstehen und auch die Vorteile dieser Veröffentlichung erhalten. So ist es nicht die magischen Möglichkeiten müssen Motivationen zu bekommen. Es ist nicht einmal mehr Zeit und viel Geld zu nehmen haben diese Publikation als Ihre Sammlung zu erhalten.
Diese Veröffentlichung Mit noch nie zu lesen Ziel Art von Unsinn. Sie müssen es sogar einige überprüfen. Überprüfung der von einigen ist eigentlich besser als nichts. Sie können beginnen, in der äußerst angenehmen Zeit beim Lesen begeistern. In dem Moment, wo man wirklich die Informationen aus diesem Buch benötigt filtern. Das , By Melanie Murphy wird sicherlich so vorteilhaft, wenn Sie wirklich nur verstehen, was eigentlich diese Veröffentlichung bietet. So finden Sie Ihr auf Mittel, genau zu sehen, wie Sie Ihre Option innerhalb des Buches, das neue Leben betreffen.

Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 2661 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 320 Seiten
Verlag: Hachette Books Ireland (24. August 2017)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#46.977 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
MY OPINIONHow I became sort of obsessed with Melanie MurphyI think I started watching Melanie's videos one or two years ago when I got more invested in the whole LGBTQ* community and searched for queer Youtubers. She has talked in a couple of videos about her bisexuality and those basically made me subscribe to her channel. I continued watching some of the videos that appealed to me, while not watching videos that were focused too much on her personal life - because I think that one has to be quite into a Youtuber to take the time to watch half an hour long vlogs of someone's month and stuff like that.At the end of last year or at the beginning of this year, I started getting more into her Favourites videos - especially into this year's January Favourites video, which she starts with saying "I'm obsessed with shirtless Kylo Ren" - which basically made me fall for her hard. (click here to watch this video) .. besides, since she started having a PORG mug and plush toy in her videos, I was sold. :DBut besides the STAR WARS fangirling, I also loved that her Favourites videos didn't only consist out of Beauty items like most of the Favourites videos from other Youtubers do (if you know other Youtubers who do Favourites videos that also focus on other things, please let me know!) - and I am just so bored of those Beauty Favourites and mostly skip these videos entirely, because they don't inspire me a tiny bit. And that's what I want from those videos. I want to get inspired by new things.Melanie talks about sex toys, underwear, food, movies, series and books in her Favourites videos and I'm so up for that! I love these videos so much, and became so obsessed with them lately, that I've just added ALL her Favourites videos (all the way back to her 2013 Favourites) to my 'WATCH LATER' Playlist! :DAnd since I noticed how drawn I've become to her videos lately, I thought I'd finally order her book - which has been on my wishlist since its release anyway. :)About The Book - On the OutsideI must admit that I'm not a huge fan of the title of this book - I think it's a bit awkward and too long (especially with the subtitle "Living in an Online/Offline World" addded to it), but I was pleasantly surprised that the book title was actually incorporated into the book multiple times.I have some mixed feelings about the cover - I really like the main colour of it, but I don't really like Melanie's picture on it too much (although I felt like the very first page of the book sort of made an allusion to the face she's making on there). Melanie's releasing a smaller version of this book with a different cover in a few months - which annoyed me a bit at first, because I thought that I might regret not having waited for that new version - but I'm actually not sure which cover I prefer so I'm not too upset about that. I just think that the cover of my book edition is a little bit childish while the content of the book is not aimed at children at all.However, what actually bothered me a lot was the fact that this was now the third book that I bought from which I could pull off the foil because it had already peeled off a bit. That annoyed me so much that I eventually really pulled off the whole foil - which left some ugly marks on the front, back and spine of the book. :/ I wish they'd stop with those foils or at least make them not peel off so easily.The edition that I have is very tall and a bit unusual for a book - at least to what I'm used to - but it's nothing that bothered me really.On the Inside of the BookI really enjoyed all the little illustrations in the book - they felt very much like Melanie and were very lovely and unique. I especially loved the very first illustration in the book - which shows a pile of books - featuring three specific books that I read and enjoyed myself. That shared taste in books made me instantely relate to Melanie a lot, and it was defintiely a great way to start the book.I also very much liked the fonts that were used in the book - they made it all look much prettier than a normal book. And it was also super cute that hearts were used as listmakers instead of dots. ♥My Reading experienceIf you watch a lot of Melanie's videos, you will probably read this book in her Irish accent. :) (Btw there also exists an audio version of this book, spoken by Melanie herself, if you're interested in that.)Since this book actually made me far more obsessed with Melanie, I've probably watched more of her videos after I've read this book than before - so I didn't really read it in her accent, although I sort of tried to... :DThe last sentence of her Introduction (which is super honest in itself) shows point blank what a giving being Melanie Murphy is and how much she wants others to learn and grow from and through her mistakes, and it just felt like I had a big sister for the time that I was reading this book."If I can make one thing easier for one of you then every misstep I've made so far has been worthwhile."If you've read a lot of my reviews, you will know that nothing makes me fall for a book as hard as references to other things that I love. Melanie did very well in that aspect. She did not only mention Harry Potter and Harry Potter related things multiple times, but also Lord of the Rings and STAR WARS, which made me relate to her 100% more and also made me a very happy reader. :)I especially want to point out the part of the book in which she listed all the female characters that had an influence on her - including amongsr others Hermione Granger, Hazel Grace Lancaster and Lizzie Bennet. Since I'm also very influenced by fictional characters, I loved that acknowledgement a lot.I could relate a lot to what she wrote about media and how the statistics and analytics and general data of your social media accounts can get very easily to your head - it was quite comforting to read her advise on that, because it's something that you don't really find a lot of people talking about in books. If you also find yourself occasionally stressing out too much about the number of your followers of likes, Melanie's chapters on media will be heart-balm for you aswell.I could also 100% identify with what she wrote about texting and getting the feeling that someone 'corners' you.. I loved how she described that because it's exactly the way that I very often feel.As I said before, although I'd considered myself a fan of her Youtube channel before I ordered the book, I actually didn't know too much about her.. which made reading this book a very eye-opening and getting-to-know-her experience. For example, I didn't know before that she had a university degree in teaching. And since I'm currently studying at university to become a teacher myself, I could obviously very much relate to that. The fact that she pointed out that the teachers in Harry Potter had had a great influence on her studying decision warmed my heart, because it was the same for me aswell. The teachers in Harry Potter (obviously NOT all of them... ) are such amazing role models and inspirations for their students and I think that one can only aspire to be like them. This made me like Melanie even more than I already did. (Generally, this book was just an immense boost for my admiration for her.)When I read the content table I was least interested in the section about "Food and Body" because it's luckily not a subject that I have to spent much time with. But I ended up finding the chapters under this category extremely eye-opening and raw and honest, which made my respect for Melanie grow immensely. She was incredibly open about her eating past and as with the teaching degree, I also didn't know about the eating disorders that she faced in the past. I must admit that I hadn't even been that aware of the variety of eating disorders before reading those chapters. Melanie really bared it all in those chapters and shared a lot of 'ugly' details about her past. Since I read this book while I was myself in a very stressful period of time because I put myself under a lot of pressure to perfect a term paper, I had also started eating a lot of unhealthy snacks to cope with the stress. It felt a bit like it was meant to be that I read those brutally honest chapters while I was myself on a dangerous edge of becoming addicted to bad eating habits. I was obviously no where near where Melanie had been, but I was very glad that I had this eye-opening moments while reading this chapters and overthought my bad eating habits and stopped them. (Though I'm still slightly addicted to Pringles.. but Melanie also mentioned those a lot in her book, so I felt not too bad about that .. craving.)I was very glad that Melanie didn't solely focus on the problems that she had as a teenager but also very much on her issues as an adult, especially at the beginning of her twenties - where I'm currently at -, so I definitely felt like I read this book at the exact right time.There are a lot of lists in her book that mostly feature some practical advise and tips for the reader that are very easy to adopt into one's life. She also put her favourite social media accounts and her most inspiring celebrities into her book - which I loved because I'm always eager to find new inspiring people to fill my social media timelines with.As I said before, I've now flooded my 'Watch Later' Playlist with all of her Favourites videos - just because I wanted to continue having her have such a vivid presence in my life. After I've finished her book, I terribly missed her daily advise - which is why her book basically made me yearn for her content much more than I did before I've read it. Her videos just have this same calming, relaxing, reassuring effect on me that her book had and I've become so in need of that that I almost only watch her on Youtube at the moment.Now that I've invested much more time into her, I've also seen videos in which she addressed a lot of the stuff that she's written about in the book and that was new to me in the book. That's why I think that an avid viewer of her videos might not learn as much new things about her through the book as I did. But I still feel like she shared a lot more in her book than she does on Youtube - although she already shares a lot of emotional and personal things on Youtube aswell. But that's one of the reasons why I'm so drawn to her - because she's so bloody honest.CONCLUSIONThis book was very comforting to read and always made me feel very much at ease while I read it - which was exactly what I needed during the stressful time that I read it. Melanie feels like a big sister who's already been though all of the messy stuff and now passes on her helpful advise to her readers (and viewers). And although you know that there are a lot of them out there, it still feels as though she's just directly talking to you/me.Like I said, this book made me get to know Melanie a lot better - I would even say know her inside and out, but not with ending up being bored of her but the absolute opposite: wanting more and more of her - wanting all of her. (Yes, I admit, I have some sort of crush on her - but honestly, how could you not?) You definitely end up having a strong connection with her after getting to know her so deeply through this book, and almost feel like you're friends with her.Her words made me reflect on myself a lot, which I really liked and appreciated. :)She is currently writing her second novel and first fictional story and I'm obviously super hyped about that and cannot wait to read it!
Although I like Hannah Witton more on YouTube, Melanie can definitely write better
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